poeziile ce le-ai scris au luat fiinta dintr-o traire intensa.persoana ce le-a scris se tradeaza a fi o persoana sensibila, sufletista. inteleg ca aceea persoana esti tu cea care scrii si daca am citit una sau doua poezii din care curge binecuvantare, nu pot trce nepasator fara sa las ceva in urma ca pomul roditor sa rodeasca in continuare cu mai mult elan, curaj, zel.pt aceasta ma rog D-lui D-zeu sa lase el tot mai mult ce e nevoie pt cat mai multi, inclusiv pt cel ce a scris aceste poezii: mult har , pace, mangaiere prin Duhul Sfant si toate binecuvantarile, AMIN!
09/25/2008 at 3:49pm (UTC)
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'Bout me
Well, a person is not all words, even though I try to disclose my life here it would be just a wee bit of who I am. I am actions, feelings, a living entity that cannot just be explained. But for the interested ones, I bet I can give a glimpse of me.
Born in a beautiful place in Romania, raised at the feet of the most beautiful mountains (my opinion), trying to find my place on the Earth I began travelling, and saw that no place fits me and I don't fit to any place, and searching I came to England for a period, until further instructions, till the next turn. See you around