I have traded Chirst
for speechlessness and confort
I've sold out his Name
for sin and shame.
His public praise is tabu
for an "honorable" person as I am.
I took the silver
and kissed him with
my sly evasions,
when others disrespect his Name
I nail him with my silence.
Now, I have the silver
but peace and light has fled
the power is all vanished
to walk I have no strength.
There's not a chance to hear
'bout happiness and vision
cuz all that I sense is confusion.
Confusion and fog all around,
have no idea when and where
the sun will come out.
I've no clue where light is
and where's dark
cuz all I see is but a glear of a spark.
I've traded light for darkness
I've traded strength for weakness
I've traded life for death.
I've traded Christ.
© Sabina Rosca